Global Citizenship Education in a changing policy landscape – THE DICE CONFERENCE 2022

In an ever-evolving environment, the DICE Conference will take place from 14 – 17th February 2022.
The programme includes a number of guest speakers, teacher educators and experienced practitioners who will provide a platform for meaningful discussions on GCE in our current context with reference to the Céim Standards and the new Irish Aid Global Citizenship Education strategy.
There is no charge to attend virtually but registration is essential. Please register here for the sessions you wish to join. We will be using Airmeet’s Virtual Conference platform and there will be opportunities to take part in networking activities, visit conference stands and view recordings.

Conference Programme

  • Monday 14th February 9.45am – 11.45am – Institute of Education, Dublin City University
    • Opening of Conference by Minister of State with responsibility for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora Colm Brophy TD
    • Prof Anne Looney, Executive Dean of the Institute of Education, DCU
      Guest Speaker Dr. Audrey Bryan, Associate Professor of Sociology DCU, on Global Issues and our Emotions
    • GCE Workshop led by Dr. Benjamin Mallon, Assistant Professor in Geography and Citizenship Education DCU
  • Tuesday 15th February 2.30pm – 5pm – Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education, Maynooth University
    Diversifying Primary Teaching in Ireland
    • Opening by Niamh Fortune, Associate Professor and Head of the Froebel Department, MU
    • Dr. Ebun Joseph, Institute of Antiracism and Black Studies, on Critical Race Theory and Education
    • Aoife Titley, Lecturer in Development and Intercultural Education on Counter-storytelling
    • Sandrine Ndahiro and Cathy Osikoya on their Unsilencing Black Voices documentary
    • Hira Khan, MU Ethnic Diversity Senator
  • Wednesday 16th February 2 – 5pm – Marino Institute of Education, Dublin
    Traveller Voices in Irish Education
    • Opening by Prof. Teresa O’Doherty, President Marino Institute of Education
    • Keynote by Kathleen Murphy, Traveller Activist
    • ‘Unheard Voices’ book series from Kids’ Own
    • Teacher Activist Annemarie Collins and Miriam Colum, Lecturer, MIE, on Travelling Community Teaching Resources
    • Panel discussion chaired by Dr. Barbara O’Toole, Senior Lecturer in Education, MIE
  • Thursday 17th February 4.30pm – 6.30pm – Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
    Critical Global Learning within Initial Teacher Education
    • Opening by Prof. Emer Ring, Dean of Education, MIC
    • Presentation by Dr. Eilish Dillon, Maynooth University on ‘What’s Critical about Global Education?’
    • Brighid Golden, Lecturer, MIC and Vicky Donnelly, Galway One World Centre, on conceptual framework for teaching critical global learning
    • Conference Closing by rapporteur Máirín Wilson

Further information:

Our thanks to all who joined us for the DICE Conference 2022. Summary videos of each day can be viewed on our DICE Project YouTube site including our keynote speakers and wonderful conference closing:

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