What We Do

What We Do
The Aims of DICE are:
- To develop and extend staff capacity and expertise in the four partner institutions
- To embed the development education and intercultural education as essential elements of initial teacher education at primary level in Ireland
- To build the capacity of lecturers and student teachers so that teachers graduating will have an understanding of development education and intercultural education and will be motivated and equipped with the pedagogic skills and values to teach these topics effectively.
- Through this on-going work student teachers are equipped with the knowledge, skills, ideas and capacities necessary to achieve the overall aim of integrating development and intercultural education across the primary school curriculum.
This is achieved through the four Strands of Work in our Strategic Plan:
- Strand 1 – Teacher Education
- Modules in each institution – core modules and specialist modules
- Continuous Professional Development
- Community of Practice events & Student Teacher events
- Engagement with Diverse Voices
- Strand 3 – Spaces for Collaboration
- Community of Practice and links with other stakeholders
- DICE Conference
- Strand 2 – Evaluation and Research
- Attendance and presentation at conferences
- Case studies and research development
- Monitoring and evaluation of DICE
- Strand 4 – Engagement with Schools and Children
- School placements
- Resources for children
- Reflection resource for school placement
- Translation of DE/ICE resources into Irish