

All resources in this section are downloadable and can be used by DICE teachers in the class room or for their own education. 

  • Journeys: A Teachers Handbook for Exploring Migration and Migrant Rights in the Primary Classroom
    Written by Brighid Golden and Aideen Roche
    Journeys is a whole-school resource on the theme of migration, rights and integration. It is divided into four distinct themes: Stereotypes; Culture; Journeys; and Protection. The themes have been designed to be covered consecutively to allow children to build on their learning from the previous theme.

Download in English
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  • Just Connections, Just Trade: A Teaching Resource about Africa
    A collaborative project between Marino Institute of Education and Proudly Made in Africa (PMIA), with funding support from Irish Aid, that can support 5th and 6th class primary school teachers in teaching about the wider world and in developing global citizenship in relation to curricular areas such as SESE and SPHE. It examines topics such as interdependence and globalisation, trade relationships, and consumer choices, in child-friendly language, and through a range of active and participative methodologies designed to enable children to understand and engage with complex issues. It examines global trade issues while promoting a view of African countries as equal trade and economic partners.

Download in English
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  • Travelling Community Teaching Resources
    The Travelling Community Resource aims to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of Traveller Culture and Heritage.
    It was written by Annmarie Collins, a teacher and graduate of Trinity College Dublin and Marino Institute of Education. Annmarie understands first-hand, the ‘crucial role teachers play in shaping the lives of young people’ and hopes this resource will help fellow educators to create intercultural and inclusive educational experiences for all students.

Download in English

  • Creating Futures
    This climate change resource for senior primary classrooms consists of 10 lessons to inspire inquiry, creativity and cooperation. Resources are cross-curricular and include lesson plans, activities, worksheets, photographs, web links and lots more.

    Produced by Education for a Just World: an initiative of Trócaire and the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education, DCU Institute of Education.

Download in English
Download in Irish 

  • Journeys: A Teachers Handbook for Exploring Migration and Migrant Rights in the Primary Classroom
    Written by Brighid Golden and Aideen Roche
    Journeys is a whole-school resource on the theme of migration, rights and integration. It is divided into four distinct themes: Stereotypes; Culture; Journeys; and Protection. The themes have been designed to be covered consecutively to allow children to build on their learning from the previous theme.

Download in English
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  • Just Connections, Just Trade: A Teaching Resource about Africa
    A collaborative project between Marino Institute of Education and Proudly Made in Africa (PMIA), with funding support from Irish Aid, that can support 5th and 6th class primary school teachers in teaching about the wider world and in developing global citizenship in relation to curricular areas such as SESE and SPHE. It examines topics such as interdependence and globalisation, trade relationships, and consumer choices, in child-friendly language, and through a range of active and participative methodologies designed to enable children to understand and engage with complex issues. It examines global trade issues while promoting a view of African countries as equal trade and economic partners.

Download in English
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  • Creating Futures
    This climate change resource for senior primary classrooms consists of 10 lessons to inspire inquiry, creativity and cooperation. Resources are cross-curricular and include lesson plans, activities, worksheets, photographs, web links and lots more.

    Produced by Education for a Just World: an initiative of Trócaire and the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education, DCU Institute of Education.

Download in English
Download in Irish 

Content to be added soon.

  • The DICE Project Video Series
    The “DICE Project Video Series” is a collection of 32 short videos introducing a variety of topics and experiences of Global Citizenship Education at primary level. Varying in length from 3-6 minutes the videos are presented by Students, Teacher Educators, Teachers and DICE supporters. The videos address key topics such as:
    • Education for Sustainability
    • Use of Picture Books in Classrooms
    • Exploring Circularity
    • Climate Change
    • Multilingualism
    • Léann an Chomhionannais agus Litríocht na nÓg
    • Teaching Resources
    There is also a book reading by Rohit Dutta of Rowan Oberman’s book Farid’s Rickshaw Ride for use in classrooms.

    The video series is available on YouTube

    • .
  • Global Citizenship Education. Curious Teachers, Critical Classrooms.
    Edited by Brighid Golden
    Curious Teachers, Critical Classrooms is a text book for everything you need to know to teach global citizenship education (GCE) in primary schools. It is written in an accessible manner with an awareness of the busy timetables and schedules of student and classroom teachers alike. It includes chapters which explore a variety of justice issues to develop your knowledge and awareness around GCE topics, as well as chapters which will take you through a variety of common teaching methodologies. The book also includes a glossary of key terminology in this field, a variety of practical appendices with lesson ideas, and a resource directory.


    Download in English
    Irish version coming in 2024.
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