Our Team

The DICE Team
The partners in the DICE Project are four third level educational institutions and they all are represented in the DICE Team by a lecturer from the respective educational institution. A Project Coordinator is taking care of the day-to-day operation of the DICE Project.
The DICE Team implements the Strategic Plan through activities and programmes, providing information for Irish Aid reports and the CHOICE Group. They also contribute to submissions made by DICE and inform future strategic plans.
Within each institution, other colleagues form a community of practice that supports the work of DICE. Together with the DICE Lecturer they integrate development and intercultural education in each institution.

Aoife Titley
Aoife Titley is the lecturer in development and intercultural education (DICE) in the Froebel Department. Before becoming a teacher educator, she worked as an education researcher and a post-primary teacher. Her research in the community and voluntary sector includes projects for organisations such as the Irish Traveller Movement, Africa Centre, Debt and Development Coalition, Poetry Ireland, Carlow County Development Partnership and Extern Ireland/ HSE. She has also been involved in the design and development of numerous publications for primary schools, for Amnesty International Ireland, and the Moral Education Curriculum of the United Arab Emirates (Pearson).
Aoife is also a doctoral candidate in Dublin City University (DCU), specialising in teacher education. The empirical research for her dissertation explores the real and perceived barriers to initial teacher education for young people from minoritized ethnic backgrounds within a critical participatory action research framework. Her other research interests include international service learning (sending programmes) and social activism in primary schools.

Dr. Barbara O'Toole
Senior lecturer in education at Marino Institute of Education, where she lectures in intercultural education and global justice education. Barbara is a director of Lóchrann, the centre for intercultural education at MIE, director of the Master in Education Studies (Intercultural Learning and Leadership), and course leader for the PME programme. Barbara is co-editor of the recent Routledge publication: Challenging perceptions of Africa in schools – Critical approaches to global justice education, with Ebun Joseph and David Nyaluke.

Brighid Golden
Brighid Golden in a lecturer in Global Education at Mary Immaculate College. Brighid is a primary school teacher with experience working in Ireland, England and India. Brighid has a Masters in International Approaches to Education with International Development from the University of Birmingham, during which she researched whole-school approaches to global citizenship education at primary level. She also has experience designing and developing teaching resources for primary and post-primary settings in relation to human rights. Additionally, Brighid has just submitted her PhD entitled ‘Critical Global Learning: Lessons from a Self-study Action Research Project in Initial Teacher Education in Ireland’.

Dr. Orla Kelly
Dr Orla Kelly is a Senior Lecturer in Social, Environmental and Scientific Education in the Institute of Education, Dublin City University. She is subject coordinator for primary science education and teaches on a range of modules on the BEd Primary programme. In her teaching and research, she strives to ensure young people are encouraged and empowered towards environmental stewardship and global sustainability goals. Orla achieves this through her research on outdoor learning, with a strong focus on place-based learning, and teaching sustainability through science education. She has published a number of peer reviewed articles and book chapters on her work. She also has experience of creating and publishing teaching materials and resources for early childhood and primary education in relation to sustainable energy and outdoor learning/risky play. She has worked with national agencies including the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.