About DICE

About DICE
The DICE Project is a national strategic educational initiative since 2003, implemented by four providers of initial teacher education at primary level, namely: Dublin City University Institute of Education; Marino Institute of Education; Mary Immaculate College and the Froebel Department in Maynooth University.
The DICE project aims to develop and extend staff capacity and expertise in the four partner institutions and embed the development education and intercultural education as essential elements of initial teacher education at primary level in Ireland. The project works to build the capacity of lecturers and student teachers so that teachers graduating will have an understanding of development education and intercultural education and will be motivated and equipped with the pedagogic skills and values to teach these topics effectively. Through this on-going work student teachers are equipped with the knowledge, skills, ideas and capacities necessary to integrate development and intercultural education across the primary school curriculum.
We believe that developing global citizenship is achieved most effectively through engaging diversified perspectives; building evidence through research, sharing ideas, discussion and debate; building an engaging and inspiring community of practice based on trust and collegiality; and guided by the fundamental values of equality, social justice and sustainable development.

Academic Staff
The DICE project supports a network of four Lecturers (2 full-time: DCU and MIC, 2 part-time: MIE and MU) working in development and intercultural education and draws on a wider community in each institution who support the work of DICE. In addition to planning and delivery of courses, DICE provides CPD for teacher educators, resource development and other networking activities.