Upcoming DICE Workshop

The DICE Project is delighted to partner with Dr. Ebun Joseph of the Institute of Antiracism and Black Studies to provide a 3-Part Workshop for Final Year Students and Recent Primary Teaching Graduates from Mary Immaculate College, Marino Institute of Education, Dublin City University and the Froebel Dept. of Maynooth University

Wednesdays  –  May  5th, 12th and 19th 2021 – 7 – 8pm with optional Q&A until 8.30pm 

To register:   https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DICEworkshops 

Please note places are limited and students/teachers should ideally attend all 3 sessions. 

For further information or queries, please contact helen@thediceproject.ie 

About the Facillitator:

Dr. Ebun Joseph is a Race Relations Consultant, the Director of the Institute of Antiracism and Black Studies and a lecturer and coordinator of the first Black Studies module in Ireland at UCD. Ebun worked as a career-development specialist with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Sociology Lecturer at Trinity College Dublin. She is the chairperson and founder of the African Scholars Association Ireland (AfSAI). Ebun researches the labour market inequality using a racial stratification framework.  She is an author, equality activist, columnist, and she contributes regular responses on contemporary issues of race and racism in Ireland. Ebun is the author of the book, Racial stratification in Ireland: A Critical race theory of labour market inequality with MUP, and co-author of, Challenging Perceptions of Africa in Schools: Critical Approaches to Global Education with Routledge.

Institute of Antiracism and Black studies IABS

IABS Provides theoretical and culturally grounded Antiracist training solutions to individuals, Educators, businesses (corporate institutions) and non governmental organisations, required to effectively manage difference in the workplace. We support organisations by equipping individuals with the knowledge and competencies required to create an inclusive workplace.

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